The scientific mission of CENTAUR is: To produce well-characterized nuclear data leading to theory development in low energy nuclear science with emphasis on the physics of the fission process, properties of light unbound nuclei, and particle scattering and reactions. In pursuit of this mission, we will provide the research environment & infrastructure necessary to develop the next generation of leaders in low energy nuclear science in support of the workforce and research needs relevant to the SSP.
Goal 1: Enhance our understanding of fission with new and continuing project lines contributing to nuclear data for stockpile stewardship applications. CENTAUR has a full-scope fission program including both theory and experiment. The theory facet advances the most advanced quantum-mechanical model applied to fission. The experimental program advances our understanding of the basic physics of fission. It enriches the data set of the standard observables (e.g., fission probability and the charge/mass asymmetry as functions of excitation energy) for nuclides that require innovative approaches to reach. The fission program alone engages four assistant professors at three different institutions.
Goal 2: Obtain a more accurate experimental and theory understanding of exotic and stable nuclei below and above decay thresholds, integrating the often separate fields of nuclear reactions and structure. CENTAUR continues to study light nuclei as open quantum systems, investigating nuclear structure in the continuum to benchmark and guide state-of-the-art theoretical developments.
Goal 3: Development of microscopic reaction theories, including optical model potentials for nucleon, d and alpha scattering as well as in-medium nucleon-nucleon cross sections for photon emission in heavy-ion collisions with benchmarking experiments. In an optical potential collaboration consisting of TAMU, LSU, UW, and LLNL, nonlocal microscopic optical potentials with quantified uncertainties are being developed within the quantum many-body perturbation theory framework utilizing state-of-the-art chiral effective field theory nuclear interactions. These chiral interactions will be used to provide optical potentials at low energies from ab initio descriptions of light to medium-mass nuclei using the symmetry-adapted no-core shell model with continuum approach. To investigate the dynamics and thermodynamics of nucleus-nucleus collisions, photon emission rates will be computed microscopically based on the same chiral nuclear forces. These theoretical studies will support and inform experimental efforts at TAMU, including the measurement of double-differential cross-sections for proton elastic scattering on radioactive nuclei 14O and 20O over a wide range of c.m. energies and angles.
Goal 4: Measure nuclear data relevant to neutron-, 𝛾 ray- and charged- particle -induced reactions. CENTAUR will capitalize on some first iteration developments (DAPPER, Hyperion collaboration) and extend its efforts with a new capability at UML.
Goal 5: Develop a low energy nuclear science workforce by supporting graduate students in dynamic research and an outreach program to our communities. The first period of CENTAUR developed an excellent cohort of graduate students. This is a major focus of the Center, and one to which all members of CENTAUR contribute. We have also developed a dynamic outreach program to young students.