2024 | |
Microscopic evidence for scission neutrons, I. Abdurrahman, M. Kafker, A. Bulgac* and I. Stetcu, in: 16th Varenna Conference on Nuclear Reaction Mechanisms, EPJ Web Conf. 292, Varenna, Italy, pages 08008, 2024. | |
Neck Rupture and Scission Neutrons in Nuclear Fission, Ibrahim Abdurrahman*, Matthew Kafker, Aurel Bulgac* and Ionel Stetcu, Phys. Rev. Lett. 132, 242501 (2024). | |
Non-Markovian character and irreversibility of real-time quantum many-body dynamics, Aurel Bulgac*, Matthew Kafker, Ibrahim Abdurrahman* and Ionel Stetcu, Phys. Rev. C 109, 064617 (2024). | |
Precise measurements of the γ-ray intensities following the β decay of 144Ce and 147Nd, K. Kolos, N. D. Scielzo, V. E. Iacob, J. C. Hardy, A. M. Hennessy, D. E. M. Hoff, M. A. Stoyer, A. P. Tonchev, M. Bencomo, J. A. Clark, B. Champine, P. Copp, D. Melconian*, E. B. Norman, W. J. Ong, H. I. Park, D. Santiago-Gonzalez, G. Savard, A. J. Shaka and S. Zhu, Phys. Rev. C 110, 024307 (2024). | |
2023 | |
Entanglement entropy, single-particle occupation probabilities, and short-range correlations, A. Bulgac*, Phys. Rev. C 107, L061602 (2023). | |
Examining the justification for the introduction of a fermion localization function, A. Bulgac*, Phys. Rev. C 108, L051303 (2023). | |
Measures of complexity and entanglement in many-fermion systems, A. Bulgac*, M. Kafker and I. Abdurrahman, Phys. Rev. C 107, 044318 (2023). | |
New developments in fission studies within the time-dependent density functional theory framework, A. Bulgac*, in: 15th International Conference on Nuclear Data for Science and Technology (ND2022), EPJ Web of Conferences 284, Sacramento, CA, pages 04001, 2023. | |
Optical potentials for the rare-isotope beam era, C. Hebborn, F. M. Nunes, G. Potel, W. H. Dickhoff, J. W. Holt*, M. C. Atkinson, R. B. Baker, C. Barbieri, G. Blanchon, M. Burrows, R. Capote, P. Danielewicz, M. Dupuis, Ch Elster, J. E. Escher, L. Hlophe, A. Idini, H. Jayatissa, B. P. Kay, K. Kravvaris, J. J. Manfredi, A. Mercenne, B. Morillon, G. Perdikakis, C. D. Pruitt, G. H. Sargsyan, I. J. Thompson, M. Vorabbi and T. R. Whitehead, Journal of Physics G: Nuclear and Particle Physics 50, 060501 (2023). | |
Pair production as a probe for the dynamics of nuclear fission and α decay, T. Settlemyre, H. Zheng and A. Bonasera, Phys. Rev. C 107, L031301 (2023). | |
Potential experimental evidence of an Efimov state in 12C and its influence on astrophysical carbon creation, Giuseppe Cardella, Aldo Bonasera, Simona Martorana Nunzia, Luis Acosta, Enrico De Filippo, Elena Geraci, Brunilde Gnoffo, Chiara Guazzoni, Concettina Maiolino, Angelo Pagano, Vincenzo Pagano Emanuele, Massimo Papa, Sara Pirrone, Giuseppe Politi, Fabio Risitano, Francesca Rizzo, Paolo Russotto and Marina Trimarchi, in: Nuclear Physics in Astrophysics – X (NPA-X 2022), {EPJ} Web of Conferences 279, geneva switzerland, pages 03001, {EDP} Sciences, 2023. | |
Search for an s-wave resonance just above the proton-decay threshold, N. Dronchi, J. Berkman, R. J. Charity, J. M. Elson, L. G. Sobotka*, A. G. Thomas, A. Saastamoinen, M. Barbui, J. Bishop, C. E. Parker*, B. T. Roeder, G. V. Rogachev*, D. P. Scriven*, S. T. Marley* and R. M. Shaffer, Phys. Rev. C 107, L061303 (2023). | |
Spatial orientation of the fission fragment intrinsic spins and their correlations, G. Scamps, I. Abdurrahman, M. Kafker, A. Bulgac* and I. Stetcu, Phys. Rev. C 108, L061602 (2023). | |
Spectroscopy of 13Be through isobaric analog states in 13B, C. Hunt, S. Ahn, J. Bishop, E. Koshchiy, E. Aboud*, M. Alcorta, A. Bosh*, K. Hahn, S. Han, C. E. Parker*, E. C. Pollacco, B. T. Roeder, M. Roosa, S. Upadhyayula, A. S. Volya and G. V. Rogachev*, Phys. Rev. C 108, L051606 (2023). | |
2022 | |
alpha-cluster structure of 18Ne, M. Barbui, A. Volya, E. Aboud*, S. Ahn, J. Bishop, V. Z. Goldberg, J. Hooker, C. H. Hunt, H. Jayatissa, Tz. Kokalova, E. Koshchiy, S. Pirrie, E. Pollacco, B. T. Roeder, A. Saastamoinen, S. Upadhyayula, C. Wheldon and G. V. Rogachev*, Phys. Rev. C 106, 054310 (2022). | |
Angular correlation between the fission fragment intrinsic spins, Aurel Bulgac*, Phys. Rev. C 106, 014624 (2022). | |
Asymptotic normalization coefficients in nuclear reactions and nuclear astrophysics, A. M. Mukhamedzhanov and L. D. Blokhintsev, The European Physical Journal A 58, 29 (2022). | |
Characterization and description of a spectrum unfolding method for the CATRiNA neutron detector array, A. B. Morelock*, J. F. Perello*, S. Almaraz-Calderon*, B. W. Asher, K. Brandenburg, J. Derkin, G. Hamad, Y. Jones-Alberty, E. Lopez Saavedra, T. Massey, Z. Meisel, N. Singh, D. Soltesz, S. K. Subedi, A. Voinov and J. Warren, Nuclear Instruments and Methods in Physics Research Section A: Accelerators, Spectrometers, Detectors and Associated Equipment 1034, 166759 (2022). | |
Controlling the Worldwide Chaotic Spreading of COVID-19 through Vaccinations, Hua Zheng and Aldo Bonasera, Journal of Modern Physics 13, 1–15 (2022). | |
Determination of asymptotic normalization coefficients for the channel 16O→α+12C: excited state 16O(0+;6.05 MeV), L. D. Blokhintsev, A. S. Kadyrov, A. M. Mukhamedzhanov and D. A. Savin, The European Physical Journal A 58, 1 (2022). | |
Dynamical Pair Production at Sub-Barrier Energies for Light Nuclei, Thomas Settlemyre*, Hua Zheng and Aldo Bonasera, Particles 5, 580–588 (2022). | |
Fragment Intrinsic Spins and Fragments’ Relative Orbital Angular Momentum in Nuclear Fission, Aurel Bulgac*, Ibrahim Abdurrahman*, Kyle Godbey* and Ionel Stetcu, Phys. Rev. Lett. 128, 022501 (2022). | |
High-energy-density plasma in femtosecond-laser-irradiated nanowire-array targets for nuclear reactions, Defeng Kong, Guoqiang Zhang, Yinren Shou, Shirui Xu, Zhusong Mei, Zhengxuan Cao, Zhuo Pan, Pengjie Wang, Guijun Qi, Yao Lou, Zhiguo Ma, Haoyang Lan, Wenzhao Wang, Yunhui Li, Peter Rubovic, Martin Veselský, Aldo Bonasera, Jiarui Zhao, Yixing Geng, Yanying Zhao, Chang-Bo Fu, Wen Luo, Yu-Gang Ma, Xueqing Yan and Wenjun Ma, Matter and Radiation at Extremes 7, 0120845 (2022). | |
Investigating the possible existence of hyper-heavy nuclei in a neutron-star environment, M. Veselsky, V. Petousis, Ch. C. Moustakidis, G. A. Souliotis and A. Bonasera, Phys. Rev. C 106, L012802 (2022). | |
Investigation of sCVD diamond detectors for low energy heavy-ion reactions, A. Abbott*, M. Sorensen*, Z. Tobin, A. B. McIntosh, A. Hannaman, J. Gauthier, K. Hagel, B. Harvey, A. Hood*, A. Jedele, Y.-W. Lui, L. McCann, L. A. McIntosh*, S. Schultz, R. Wada, A. Wakhle, M. Youngs and S. J. Yennello*, Nuclear Instruments and Methods in Physics Research Section A: Accelerators, Spectrometers, Detectors and Associated Equipment 1034, 166796 (2022). | |
Modular next generation fast-neutron detector for portal monitoring, E. Aboud*, S. Ahn, G. V. Rogachev*, V. E. Johnson, J. Bishop, G. Christian*, E. Koshchiy, C. E. Parker* and D. P. Scriven*, Nuclear Science and Techniques 33, 13 (2022). | |
Neutron-upscattering enhancement of the triple-alpha process, J. Bishop, C. E. Parker*, G. V. Rogachev*, S. Ahn, E. Koshchiy, K. Brandenburg, C. R. Brune, R. J. Charity, J. Derkin, N. Dronchi, G. Hamad, Y. Jones-Alberty, Tz. Kokalova, T. N. Massey, Z. Meisel, E. V. Ohstrom, S. N. Paneru, E. C. Pollacco, M. Saxena, N. Singh, R. Smith, L. G. Sobotka*, D. Soltesz, S. K. Subedi, A. V. Voinov, J. Warren and C. Wheldon, Nature Communications 13, 7 (2022). | |
Number-of-constituent-quark scaling of elliptic flow: a quantitative study, Meng Wang, Jun-Qi Tao, Hua Zheng, Wen-Chao Zhang, Li-Lin Zhu and Aldo Bonasera, Nuclear Science and Techniques 33, 9 (2022). | |
Search for rare 3-α decays in the region of the Hoyle state of 12C, G. Cardella, A. Bonasera, N. S. Martorana, L. Acosta, E. De Filippo, E. Geraci, B. Gnoffo, C. Guazzoni, L. Lo Monaco, C. Maiolino, A. Pagano, E. V. Pagano, M. Papa, S. Pirrone, G. Politi, F. Risitano, F. Rizzo, P. Russotto and M. Trimarchi, Nuclear Physics A 1020, 122395 (2022). | |
Sensitivity of time-dependent density functional theory to initial conditions, Aurel Bulgac*, Ibrahim Abdurrahman* and Gabriel Wlazłowski, Phys. Rev. C 105, 044601 (2022). | |
Status of deep subbarrier 12C+12C fusion and advancing the Trojan horse method, A. M. Mukhamedzhanov, The European Physical Journal A 58, 6 (2022). | |
The Novel Scaling of Tsallis Parameters from the Transverse Momentum Spectra of Charged Particles in Heavy-Ion Collisions, Jun-Qi Tao, Weihao Wu, Meng Wang, Hua Zheng, Wen-Chao Zhang, Lilin Zhu and Aldo Bonasera, Particles 5, 146–156 (2022). | |
Pure quantum extensions of the semiclassical Boltzmann-Uehling-Uhlenbeck equation, A. Bulgac Phys. Rev. C 105, L021601 (2022). | |
Thermalization of nuclear matter in heavy-ion collisions at Fermi energies, T. Onyango, A. Bonasera, R. Rapp Nucl. Phys. A (2022). | |
2021 | |
Rapid recovery of At-211 by extraction chromatography, Jonathan D. Burns, Evgeny E. Tereshatov, Geoffrey Avila, Kevin J. Glennon, Andrew Hannaman, Kylie N. Lofton, Laura A. McCann, Mallory A. McCarthy, Lauren A. McIntosh, Steven J. Schultz, Gabriel C. Tabacaru, Amy L. Vonder Haar, Sherry J. Yennello Sep. Purif. Technol. 256, 117794 (2021). | |
A new waveform analysis technique to extract good energy and position resolution from a dual-axis duo-lateral position-sensitive detector, M.W. Aslin, A. Hannaman, M.D. Youngs, A.B. McIntosh, A. Abbott, P. Adamson, J. Gauthier, K. Hagel, A. Jedele, Y.-W. Lui, L.A. McIntosh, M.Q. Sorensen, Z.N. Tobin, R. Wada, A. Wakhle, S.J. Yennello Nucl. Instr. Meth. A 985, 164674 (2021). | |
New approach to precisely measure γ-ray intensities for long-lived fission products, with results for the decay of 95Zr, K. Kolos, A. M. Hennessy, N. D. Scielzo, V. E. Iacob, J. C. Hardy, M. A. Stoyer, A. P. Tonchev, W.-J. Ong, M. T. Burkey, B. Champine, J. A. Clark, P. Copp, A. Gallant, E. B. Norman, R. Orford, H. I. Park, J. Rohrer, D. Santiago-Gonzalez, G. Savard, A. J. Shaka, B. S. Wang, S. Zhu Nucl. Instr. Meth. A 1000, 165240 (2021). | |
Fission Fragment Intrinsic Spins and Their Correlations, A. Bulgac, I. Abdurrahman, S. Jin, K. Godbey, N. Schunck, I. Stetcu Phys. Rev. Lett. 126, 142502 (2021). | |
Proton pairing in neutron stars from chiral effective field theory, Y. Lim, J. W. Holt Phys. Rev. C 103, 025807 (2021). | |
The 3He 5He→α+α reaction below the Coulomb barrier via the Trojan Horse Method, C. Spitaleri, S. Typel, C. A. Bertulani, A. M. Mukhamedzhanov, T. Kajino, M. Lattuada, A. Cvetinović, S. Messina, G. L. Guardo, N. Soić, M. Milin, S. S. Perrotta, Chengbo Li, P. Čolović, G. D’Agata, D. Dell’Aquila, C. G. Fatuzzo, M. Gulino, S. Q. Hou, M. La Cognata, D. Lattuada, D. Nurkić, R. Popočovski, N. Skukan, S. Szilner, O. Trippella, M. Uroić, N. Vukman Eur. Phys. J. A 57, 20 (2021). |
Performance of position-sensitive resistive silicon detectors in the Forward Array Using Silicon Technology (FAUST), L. A. McIntosh, A. B. McIntosh, K. Hagel, M. D. Youngs, L. A. Bakhtiari, C. B. Lawrence, P. Cammarata, A. Jedele, L. W. May, A. Zarrella, S. J. Yennello Nucl. Instr. Meth. A 985, 164642 (2021). | |
The LISE package: Solvers for static and time-dependent superfluid local density approximation equations in three dimensions, S. Jin, K. J. Roche, I. Stetcu, I. Abdurrahman, A. Bulgac Comput. Phys. Commun. 269, 108130 (2021). | |
Design of mixed-mode systems for pulse shape discrimination, B. Orabutt, R. D. Chamberlain, J. Elson, G. Engel, F. Delaunay and L. G. Sobotka 2021 IEEE International MWSCAS pp. 990-994 (2021). | |
A position and pulse shape discriminant p-terphenyl detector module, D. P. Scriven, G. Christian, G. V. Rogachev, C. E. Parker, L. G. Sobotka, S. Ahn, G. Chubarian, S. Ota, E. Aboud, J. Bishop, E. Koshchiy, A. G. Thomas Nucl. Instr. Meth. A. 1010, 165492 (2021) | |
Pauli energy contribution to the nucleus-nucleus interaction, A. S. Umar, C. Simenel, K. Godbey Phys. Rev. C 104, 034619 (2021). | |
Restoring broken symmetries for nuclei and reaction fragments, A. Bulgac Phys. Rev. C 104, 054601 (2021). | |
Angular momentum removal by neutron and γ-ray emissions during fission fragment decays, I. Stetcu, A. E. Lovell, P. Talou, T. Kawano, S. Marin, S. A. Pozzi, A. Bulgac Phys. Rev. Lett. 127, 222502 (2021). | |
Fragment intrinsic spins and fragments’ relative orbital angular momentum in nuclear fission, A. Bulgac, I. Abdurrahman, K. Godbey, I. Stetcu Phys. Rev. Lett. 128, 022501 (2021). | |
2020 | |
Correlation between time and angular alignment in molecular dynamics simulations of heavy ion collisions, B. Harvey, M. Youngs, A. B. McIntosh, A. Jedele, A. Abbott, J. Gauthier, K. Hagel, A.Hannaman, A. Hood, K. Krieble, Y.-W.Lui, L. A. McIntosh, A. Rodriguez Manso, M. Sorensen, Z. Tobin, R. Wada, A. Zarrella, S. J. Yennello Phys. Rev. C 102, 064625 (2020). | |
Diagnostic methodologies of laser-initiated 11B(p,a)2a fusion reactions, F. Consoli, R. De Angelis, P. Andreoli, A. Bonasera, M. Cipriani, G. Cristofari, G. Di Giorgio, D. Giulietti, M. Salvadori Front. Phys. 8, 561492 (2020). | |
Fission-fragment excitation energy sharing beyond scission, A. Bulgac Phys. Rev. C 102, 044609 (2020). | |
Almost medium-free measurement of the Hoyle state direct-decay component with a TPC, J. Bishop, G. V. Rogachev, S. Ahn, E. Aboud, M. Barbui, A. Bosh, C. Hunt, H. Jayatissa, E. Koshchiy, R. Malecek, S. T. Marley, E. C. Pollacco, C. D. Pruitt, B. T. Roeder, A. Saastamoinen, L. G. Sobotka, and S. Upadhyayula Phys. Rev. C 102, 041303 (2020). | |
Systematic Matter and Binding-Energy Distributions from a Dispersive Optical Model, C. D. Pruitt, R. J. Charity, L. G. Sobotka, M. C. Atkinson, and W. H. Dickhoff Phys. Rev. Lett. 125, 102501 (2020). | |
Isotopically resolved neutron total cross sections at intermediate energies, C. D. Pruitt, R. J. Charity, L. G. Sobotka, J. M. Elson, D. E. M. Hoff, K. W. Brown, M. C. Atkinson, W. H. Dickhoff, H. Y. Lee, M. Devlin, N. Fotiades, S. Mosby Phys Rev C 102, 034601 (2020). | |
Pre-equilibrium neutron emission in fission or fragmentation, A. Bulgac Phys. Rev. C 102, 034612 (2020). | |
Trojan horse method as an indirect approach to study resonant reactions in nuclear astrophysics, A. M. Mukhamedzhanov, A. S. Kadyrov, D. Y. Pang Eur. Phys. J. A 56, 233 (2020). |
Astrophysical S-factor for the 3He(α, γ)7Be reaction via the asymptotic normalization coefficient (ANC) method, G.G. Kiss, M. La Cognata, C. Spitaleri, R. Yarmukhamedov, I. Wiedenhöver, L.T. Baby, S. Cherubini, A. Cvetinović, G. D’Agata, P. Figuera, G.L. Guardo, M. Gulino, S. Hayakawa, I. Indelicato, L. Lamia, M. Lattuada, F. Mudò, S. Palmerini, R.G. Pizzone, G.G. Rapisarda, S. Romano, M.L. Sergi, R. Spartà, O. Trippella, A. Tumino, M. Anastasiou, S.A. Kuvin, N. Rijal, B. Schmidt, S.B. Igamov, S.B. Sakuta, K.I. Tursunmakhatov, Zs. Fülöp, Gy. Gyürky, T. Szücs, Z. Halász, E. Somorjai, Z. Hons, J. Mrázek, R.E. Tribble, A.M. Mukhamedzhanov Phys. Lett. B 807, 135606 (2020). | |
The Thomas theorem and the Efimov States with a generalized Bohr model, H. Zheng, A. Bonasera J. Phys. Commun. 4, 085011 (2020). | |
, | Thick target inverse kinematics approach for neutron emission V. Z. Goldberg, E. M. Gazeeva, M. S. Golovkov, A. A. Bezbakh, D. K. Nauruzbayev, A. K. Nurmukhanbetova, Zh. Kurmanaliyev, A. Serikov, B. Zalewski, and G. V. Rogachev Phys. Rev. Research 2, 032036 (2020). |
Astatine partitioning between nitric acid and conventional solvents: indication of covalency in ketone complexation of AtO+, | |
Neutron elastic scattering on calcium isotopes from chiral nuclear optical potentials, T. R. Whitehead, Y. Lim, J. W. Holt Phys. Rev. C 101, 064613 (2020). |
Beta-delayed charged-particle spectroscopy using TexAT, J. Bishop, G.V. Rogachev, S. Ahn, E. Aboud, M. Barbui, P. Baron, A. Bosh, E. Delagnes, J. Hooker, C. Hunt, H. Jayatissa, E. Koshchiy, R. Malecek, S.T. Marley, R. O’Dwyer, E.C. Pollacco, C. Pruitt, B.T. Roeder, A. Saastamoinen, L.G. Sobotka, S. Upadhyayula Nucl. Instr. Meth. A. 964, 163773 (2020). |
Corrigendum: Balmer emission induced by proton impact on atomic hydrogen, I. B. | |
Implementing Chiral Three-Body Forces in Terms of Medium-Dependent Two-Body Forces, J. W. Holt, M. Kawaguchi, N. Kaiser Front. Phys. 8,63 (2020). | |
Decay properties of 22Ne + α resonances and their impact on s-process nucleosynthesis, S. Ota, G. Christian, G. Lotay, W. N. Catford, E. A. Bennett, S. Dede, D. T. Doherty, S. Hallam, J. Hooker, C. Hunt, H. Jayatissa, A. Matta, M. Moukaddam, G. V. Rogachev, A. Saastamoinen, J. A. Tostevin, S. Upadhyayula, R. Wilkinson Phys. Lett. B 802, 135256 (2020). |
Pairing Dynamics in Low-energy Nuclear Collisions, M. C. Barton, S. Jin, P. Magierski, K. Sekizawa, G. Wlazłowski, A. Bulgac Acta Phys. Polonica B 51, 605 (2020). |
Indirect determination of neutron-capture cross sections for Sm isotopes, A. Simon and F. Naqvi Phys. Rev. C 101, 014619 (2020). |
Nuclear fission dynamics: past, present, needs, and future,A. Bulgac, S. Jin, I. Stetcu, Front. Phys. 8, 63 (2020). | |
Status on 12?+12? fusion at deep sub-barrier energies: impact of resonances on astrophysical ?∗ factors, C. Beck, A.M. Mukhamedzhanov, X. Tang, Eur. Phys. J.A 56 (2020). | |
Texas Active Target (TexAT) detector for experiments with rare isotope beams, E. Koshchiy, G.V. Rogachev, E. Pollacco, S. Ahn, E. Uberseder, J. Hooker, J. Bishop, E. Aboud, M. Barbui, V.Z. Goldberg, C. Hunt, H. Jayatissa, C. Magana, R. O’Dwyer, B.T. Roeder, A. Saastamoinen, S. Upadhyayula (2020). | |
Constraining the 22Ne(α,γ)26Mg and 22Ne(α,n)25Mg reaction rates using sub-Coulomb α-transfer reactions, H. Jayatissa, G.V. Rogachev, V.Z. Goldberg, E. Koshchiy, G. Christian, J. Hooker, S. Ota, B.T. Roeder, A. Saastamoinen, O. Trippella, S. Upadhyayula, E. Uberseder Phys. Rev. C 802, 135267 (2020). | |
2019 | |
Ion-trap application: Fundamental weak interaction studies using ion traps, | |
The TAMUTRAP facility: A Penning trap facility at Texas A&M University for weak interaction studies, P.D. Shidling, M. Mehlman, V.S. Kolhinen, G. Chubarian, L. Cooper, G. Duran, E. Gilg, V.E. Iacob, K.S. Marble, R. McAfee, D. McClain, M. McDonough, M. Nasser, C. Gonzalez-Ortiz, A. Ozmetin, B. Schroeder, M. Soulard, G. Tabacaru, D. Melconian Hyperfine Interact 240,40 (2019). | |
Simulation of fusion and quasi-fission in nuclear reactions leading to production of superheavy elements using the Constrained Molecular Dynamics model, J. Klimo, M. Veselsky, G.A. Souliotis, A. Bonasera Nuclear Physics A 992, 121640 (2019). | |
Structure of 9C through proton resonance scattering with the Texas Active Target detector, J. Hooker, G. V. Rogachev, E. Koshchiy, S. Ahn, M. Barbui, V. Z. Goldberg, C. Hunt, H. Jayatissa, E. C. Pollacco, B. T. Roeder, A. Saastamoinen, and S. Upadhyayula Phys. Rev. C 100, 054618 (2019). | |
Nuclear Astrophysics with Lasers, M. Huang, H.J. Quevedo, G. Zhang and A. Bonasera, Nuclear Physics News 29, 9–13 (2019). | |
Projection of good quantum numbers for reaction fragments, A. Bulgac Phys. Rev. C 100, 034612 (2019). | |
High spin structure of 39Ar and the FSU cross-shell interaction, B. Abromeit, S. L. Tabor, Vandana Tripathi, R. S. Lubna, D. Caussyn, R. Dungan, K. Kravvaris, E. Rubino, P.-L. Tai, and A. Volya Phys. Rev. C 100 (2019). | |
Fission dynamics of 240Pu from saddle to scission and beyond, Aurel Bulgac, Shi Jin, Kenneth J. Roche, Nicolas Schunck, and Ionel Stetcu Phys. Rev. C 100, 034615 (2019). | |
Beta decay of Tz = +11/2 isotopes 37Al and 39Si: Understanding Gamow-Teller strength distribution in neutron-rich nuclei, B. Abromeit, Vandana Tripathi, H. LCrawford, S. N. Liddick, S. Yoshida, Y. Utsuno, P. C. Bender, B. P. Crider, R. Dungan, P. Fallon, K. Kravvaris, N. Larson, R. S. Lubna, T. Otsuka, C. J. Prokop, A. L. Richard, N. Shimizu, S. L. Tabor, and A. Volya Phys. Rev. C 100, 014323 (2019). | |
The role of the Heisenberg principle in constrained molecular dynamics model, K. Wang, A. Bonasera*, H. Zheng, G.-Q. Zhang, Y.G. Ma, and W.Q. Shen, Inter. J. Mod. Phys. E 28, 1950039 (2019). | |
New method of analytic continuation of elastic-scattering data to the negative-energy region, and asymptotic normalization coefficients for 17O and 13C, L. D. Blokhintsev, A. S. Kadyrov, A. M. Mukhamedzhanov*, et al., Phys. Rev. C 100, 024627 (2019). | |
Time-dependent density functional theory for fermionic superfluids: from cold atomic gases-to nuclei and neutron stars crust, A. Bulgac*, Phys. Stat. Sol. B, (2019). | |
Unitary evolution with fluctuations and dissipation, A. Bulgac*, S. Jin*, and I. Stetcu, Phys Rev. C 100, 014615 (2019). | |
Proton elastic scattering on calcium isotopes from chiral nuclear optical potentials, T.R. Whitehead*, Y. Lim, and J.W. Holt*, Phys. Rev. C 100, 014601 (2019). | |
Nuclear level densities and gamma-ray strength functions in samarium isotopes, F. Navqi, A. Simon*, M. Guttormsen, R. Schwengner, S. Frauendorf, C.S. Reingold*, J.T. Burke*, N. Cooper, R.O. Hughes*, S. Ota, A. Saastamoinen, Phys. Rev. C 99, 054331 (2019). | |
A novel approach to medical radioisotope production using inverse kinematics: A successful production test of the theranostic radionuclide 67Cu, G.A. Souliotis, M.R.D. Rodrigues, K. Wang, V.E. Iacob, N. Nica, B. Roeder, G. Tabacaru, M. Yu, P. Zanotti-Fregonara, and A. Bonasera*, Appl. Rad. And Iso. 149, 89-95 (2019). | |
Fusion hindrance effects in laser-induced non-neutral plasmas, S.S. Perrotta and A. Bonasera*, Nucl. Phys. A 989, 168-186 (2019). | |
Measurement of d+7Be cross sections for big-bang nucleosynthesis, N. Rijal, I. Wiedenhoever*, J.C. Blackmon, M. Anastasiou, L.T. Baby, D.D. Caussyn, P. Hoflich, K.W. Kemper, E. Koshchiy, and G.V. Rogachev*, Phys. Rev. Lett. 122, 182701 (2019). | |
Nuclear probes of an out-of-equilibrium plasma at the highest compression, G. Zhang, M. Huang, A. Bonasera*, Y.G. Ma, B.F. Shen, H.W. Wang, W.P. Wang, J.C. Xu, G.T. Fan, H.J. Fu, H. Xue, H. Zheng, L.X. Liu, S. Zhang, W.J. Li, X.G. Cao, X.G. Deng, X.Y. Li, Y.C. Liu, Y. Yu, Y. Zhang, C.B. Fu, X.P. Zhang, Phys. Lett. A 383, 2285-2289 (2019). | |
Strongly resonating bosons in hot nuclei, S. Zhang, A. Bonasera, M. Huang, H. Zheng, D. X. Wang, J. C. Wang, L. Lu, G. Zhang, Z. Kohley, Y. G. Ma, and S. J. Yennello Phys. Rev. C 99, 044605 (2019). | |
Proton-beam stopping in hydrogen, J.J. Bailey, I.B. Abdurakhmanov, A.S. Kadyrov, I. Bray, and A.M. Mukhamedzhanov*, Phys. Rev. A, 99, 042701 (2019). | |
Astrophysical factors of 12C + 12C fusion extracted using the Trojan Horse Method, A.M. Mukhamedzhanov*, D.Y. Pang, and A.S. Kadyrov, Phys. Rev. C 99, 064618 (2019). | |
Characterization of the CATRiNA neutron detector system, J.F.Perello, S.Almaraz-Calderon, B.W.Asher, L.T.Baby, N.Gerken, K.Hanselman, Nucl. Instr. Meth. A 930, 196-202 (2019). | |
Theory of surrogate nuclear and atomic reactions with three charged particles in the final state proceeding through a resonance in the Intermediate Subsystem, A. M. Mukhamedzhanov*, A. S. Kadyrov, Few-Body Systems 60: 27 (2019). | |
Connection between asymptotic normalization coefficients and resonance widths of mirror states, A. M. Mukhamedzhanov*, Phys. Rev. C 99, 024311 (2019). | |
Examination of evidence for resonances at high excitation energy in the 7α disassembly of 28Si, X. G. Cao, E.-J. Kim, K. Schmidt, K. Hagel, M. Barbui, J. Gauthier, S. Wuenschel, G. Giuliani, M. R. D.Rodrigues, S. Kowalski, H. Zheng, M. Huang, A. Bonasera*, R. Wada, N. Blando, G.-Q. Zhang, C. Y. Wong, A. Staszczak, Z. X. Ren, Y. K. Wang, S. Q. Zhang, J.Meng and J. B. Natowitz, Phys. Rev. C 99, 014606 (2019). | |
Spectral characterization by CVD diamond detectors of energetic protons from high-repetition rate laser for aneutronic nuclear fusion experiments, M. Cipriani, F. Consoli, P. L. Andreoli, D. Batani, A. Bonasera*, G.Boutoux, F.Burgy, G. Cristofari, R. De Angelis, G. Di Giorgio, J. E. Ducret, A. Flamigni, D. Giulietti, K. Jakubowska, C. Verona and G. Verona-Rinati, Frontiers in diagnostic technologies, Journal of Instrumentation 14, Frascati – Rome, pages C01027-C01027, IOP Publishing, 2019. | |
2018 | |
Decay modes of the Hoyle state in 12C, H. Zheng, A. Bonasera*, M. Huang and S. Zhang, Phys. Lett. B 779, 460–463 (2018). | |
Entry-level spin distributions and relative γ-neutron branching ratios of samarium isotopes populated by the (p,t) reaction, N. Cooper, C. W. Beausang, P. Humby, A. Simon*, J. T. Burke*, R. O. Hughes*, S. Ota, C. Reingold*, A. Saastamoinen and E. Wilson, Phys. Rev. C 98, 044618 (2018). | |
Extrapolation of scattering data to the negative-energy region.II. Applicability of effective range functions within an exactly solvable model, L.D. Blokhintsev, A.S. Kadyrov, A.M. Mukhamedzhanov* and D. A. Savin, Phys. Rev. C 97, 024602 (2018). | |
Extrapolation of scattering data to the ne-gative – energy region. III. Application to thep−16O system, L.D. Blokhintsev, A. S. Kadyrov, A. M. Mukhamedzhanov*and D. A. Savin, Phys. Rev. C 98, 064610 (2018). |
Impact of the 7Be(α,γ)11C Reaction on the Pri-mordial Abundance of 7Li, M. Hartos, C. A. Bertulani, Shubhchintak, A. M. Mukhamedzhanov* and S. Hou, The Astrophysical Journal 862, 62 (2018). | |
Re-examination of a novel determination of density, temperature, and symmetry energy based on a modified Fisher model, X. Liu, H. Zheng, W. Lin, M. Huang, Y. Y. Yang, J.S. Wang, R. Wada, A. Bonasera* and J. B. Natowitz, Phys. Rev. C 97, 014613 (2018). | |
Three-body Faddeev equations in two particle Alt-Grassberger-Sandhas form with distorted-wave-Born-approximation amplitudes as effective potentials, A. M. Mukhamedzhanov*, Phys. Rev. C 98, 044626 (2018). | |
Trojan Horse cross section measurements and their impact on primordial nucleosynthesis, R. G. Pizzone, R. Spartá, C. Bertulani, C. Spitaleri, M. La Cognata, L. Lamia, A. Mukhamedzhanov* and A. Tumino, XL Symposium on Nuclear Physics 2017, Journal of Physics: Conference Series 940, Cocoyoc, Morelos, México, page 012017, IOP Publishing, 2018. | |
As a federally funded collaboration, CENTAUR data is available at a request to centaur@comp.tamu.edu.